29 Apr Torus Receives LenelS2 Factory Certification under the LenelS2 OpenAccess Alliance Program
Torus interfaces with LenelS2’s OnGuard access control security system
Sydney, Australia, 26/2/2024 — Torus today announced that it has received LenelS2 factory certification and joined the LenelS2 OpenAccess Alliance Program (OAAP). Torus interfaces with the OnGuard® access control system to make key management easy and secure for our customers.
“Torus has completed required factory testing at LenelS2 to validate the functionality of its interface to the OnGuard system. Torus’ interface delivers a suite of benefits directly to end customers and their cardholders,” said John Marchioli, OAAP product management, LenelS2. “We look forward to their continued involvement in the LenelS2 OpenAccess Alliance Program.”
“Torus has a growing number of customers who depend upon the OnGuard platform for management of access control across their buildings and facilities. By completing the LenelS2 factory certification and joining the OAAP, Torus is now able to offer our customers a seamlessly interfaced solution. This means that customers will only need to manage user credentials and access privileges within their OnGuard system, avoiding duplication of effort across the Torus software. Moreover, effortlessly synchronize cardholder data from the OnGuard system to Torus, ensuring consistency across platforms. Customers enjoy real-time visibility of Torus cabinet events within the OnGuard system, providing comprehensive oversight of key transactions.
Furthermore, Torus also utilized the OnGuard system’s advanced API for cardholder’s authentication at Torus cabinet through NextGen identity management and access operations. All these features are deployed in customer environment through a simplified integration process using Torus Exchange, ensuring a hassle-free deployment experience for end customers. This integration is enabling the OnGuard system to effectively provide a physical key management solution in conjunction with Torus,” said Trent Loebel, CEO, Torus.
About Torus
Torus is an elegant and sophisticated key management solution. It is easy to use and scale across your workplace(s). Torus is recognized as the enterprise-grade solution for managing physical keys. Our purpose is to automate security of the world’s keys.
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